Thursday, October 30, 2008

Meet George

Yes, he knows he's handsome.
This is George. He's a Black and Tan Coonhound. We adopted him from the Humane Society of Boulder Valley a couple of months ago. George is now about 5 and a half months old. So our first priority in getting a new dog was that he be good with the kids. Check. My only other requirement was that he'd make a good running partner. It was touch and go on that one for a while but thanks to Teegan taking him out roller-blading, he's got the hang of it now.

Monday morning, George and I left the house in the dark (25 degree weather) for a few miles of running. Ah yes, this dog can run. About a mile into it, he stepped on a goathead but didn't complain--just limped along until I noticed and pulled it out of his paw. He's just about the perfect training partner. On time, faster than I am, and not a complainer. He did stop to poop but that's not a disqualifier.

The off-season is well underway. Not fat yet, but working on it.

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