Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sunrise, Sunset

Teegan had to be out of the house for work from 700a until 530p today (long day for her). I needed to get a long run in--last weekend of this block--gotta log the time. I couldn't quite bring myself to leave the house at 445a for 2+ hours of running in the dark. So I set the alarm for 445a (how's that for a compromise?) and was on the road with George, a headlamp, and a reflective vest at 530a. We ran a relatively quick 9 miles (in 1:15) and witnessed a pretty nice sunrise as we were returning.

When Teegan got home, I leashed up George and we headed out again for a slightly slower 5+ miles in 45 mins. Legs took a while to get turned over and I never really felt great (I suspect the same was true for him) but we were coming home into the sunset. I don't know what experiences you must have to be able truly to call yourself a runner, but I'd think this one is on the list. It's the first time I've run twice in a day. Not going to make a habit of it, but now I can check that box.

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